Last thing Grug remember... Eating plants? Mushrooms? Grug think eat mushrooms? Grug asleep now? Grug awake? Walk in cloud? Grug floating in cave? Who made that fire? Fire burn strange colours? Someone scream? Tiger in cave? Ghost in cave? Grug panic. Grug calm.
This album create so unique feeling. Grug know feeling of listening from cave very well but here cave so strange. Cave colorful and decorate many strange things that Grug no have name or word for. Sounds Grug never hear before. Sounds no instrument Grug knows can make. Instruments that Grug do know play so great and always feel like very big skill to write songs like this.
Voices many, not same. Some scream like hurt, some sing like big moon celebration, like big stage opera, some grunt like Grug's kin. Make Grug heart beat different. Caveman sounds make Grug feel like no want to be caveman anymore.
Whole album so full of incredible music and so many different feeling. Many sections for get punched so heavy. But when music go pretty it really, really, go pretty. Every song here have multiple standout moments. Every song make big builds and shifts in ideas. Always something that make Grug feel uneasy. Every song create sound feelings Grug never hear or feel before with haunt melodies, and groove make Grug forget up or down. Grug favourite parts in between songs when close to horror sounds. End of Crystallised and begin of Liquid Gold pretty in scary way.
Listening this feel having outside of body experience and then eating same poison again for want more!
Grug favourite parts:
- Crystallised
- This solo make Grug feel like floating in water in dark with deep deep black underneath. - The Paint of an Invader
- Feelilng when standing under storm of fire! - Beyond Recognition
- Feel like someone reach into Grug dream! Extreme calm but also worry and panic. - Liquid Gold
- Love how build from this moment of nothing. Like tree suddenly jump infront of you!
Listen/buy here: